Inside the Volca Beats

As with the Volca Bass, I found no suitable room for a MIDI jack so I just broke out the labeled test point and will install a 1/8" stereo jack for the MIDI.


Inside the Volca Bass

Had a solid hour of fun with the Bass before I popped it open. 

I was hoping to add a MIDI jack to get MIDI out since it is clearly labeled:
I couldn't find space in the case to place a DIN jack so I am going to order a couple stereo 1/8" jacks to break out the MIDI that way.

I didn't do anything too crazy; just broke out the marked test points on the PCB

The jacks fit perfectly

Interesting that the SMD LEDs are on the other side of the PCB and they shine through holes

Used the ground point from the battery

Left an extra hole for the MIDI

 The jacks let me patch into both waveforms from all 3 oscillators, and the raw signal out of the VCO, VCF, and VCA.

Korg Volcas Arrived!

The Korg Volcas that I ordered back in February finally arrived! I ordered the Bass and Beats since I have enough keys. Come Monday, they will probably be modded. This might just be the last recording of them before they have some fun with my soldering iron.

Synths used in this recording: Korg Monotribe, Korg Volca Beats, Korg Volca Bass, Korg MS-20 mini, and Roland JX-8P. Volcas and Monotribe are synced via the sync jack. JX-8P is synced to the Monotribe via MIDI. Sync out also goes to the sequencer clock on the MS-20 mini and is used for both filter sequencing and pitch sequencing.

Mooer Pitch Box Pedal Teardown

Finally got around to ordering one of the new digital Mooer pedals. I was always curious how they could make pedals for so cheap. After a few minutes of noodling with it on the Rhodes and guitar, I popped it up. 

4 screw on the bottom take the back off. 

Removing the jack and switch nuts lets you remove the whole PCB.

Little mini board in the middle. I bet there is something under it too.
Big ol' IC under there. 

But whats under the blue sticker?!

 Alpha selector switch. 

Nowhere on the PCB does it mention Pitch Box, so I am assuming this is a digital pedal. Silkscreen looks super cheap and the case is a very light weight metal, but everything else doesn't seem too cheaply done.